Text A The Origin of Management管理的起源 Pre-reading Task Read the following questions first, which will help you understand the text below better, and then answer the questions after reading the text carefully.
l. Why did Kenneth Feld consider management as \"the greatest job on earth\"? 为什么肯尼斯-费尔德把管理看做地球上最伟大的工作?
2. How can work be done most efficiently according to your opinion based on management knowledge? 根据自己的管理知识,你认为怎样工作才能最有效率?
3. What is the real meaning of the phrase – “management theory jungle”? 术语“管理理论丛林”的真正含义是什么?
4. Why is Frederick Winslow Taylor regarded as the Father of Scientific Management? 为什么人们把弗雷德里克-温斯洛-泰勒视作科学管理之父?
5. What is the main idea of Taylor's famous book, The Principles of Scientific Management? 泰勒著名的《科学管理原理》一书,主要观点是什么? TEXT Dating back to the ancient times, we may discover that the basic principles of management had their beginnings in the birth of civilization, when people first began to live in groups and first sought to improve their lot in life. Ever since people began forming groups to accomplish aims they could not achieve as individuals, managing has been essential to ensure the coordination of individual efforts. Kenneth Feld, president of Ringling Bro. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, once described management as \"the greatest job on earth\
A.1 Management History 管理历史
Throughout history, people have faced great challenges and have set themselves far-reaching goals, and therefore have combined intuition, experience, and trial-and-error methods to meet these challenges and accomplish the goals. The experience and ideas of yesterday's managers form the foundation for today's principles of management. By understanding the challenges they faced and the ideas they used to meet, we may be better able to meet present challenges. The learning process is continuous. As the philosopher Soren Kierkegaard wrote, \"Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived for forwards.\"
As Kierkegaard's statement suggests, the knowledge that we apply to current problems is derived from the solutions to yesterday's problems and challenges. With the emergence of assembly line techniques, mass 1 / 11
production was developed to allow a goal (high output) to be achieved using less time, money, and labor. It was an innovation that has been applied by countless managers and organizations since then. People who have managed organizations have been concerned with increasing productivity, improving performance, and learning new and better ways to accomplish objectives. Management practice and research have been aimed at improving managers' ability to perform better in all three areas of responsibility: technical, administrative, and institutional.
Historically, the first set of issues dealt with by practitioners and management writers was productivity: how to accomplish tasks or work more rapidly and efficiently. Much of the effort focused on helping managers perform their technical responsibilities. Though modem managers have much more sophisticated tools for production, they all still share the same concern: How can work be done most efficiently?
Then the second set of issues laid emphases on how the whole organization, rather than each individual, could become more productive. There are two parallel developments here. Some researchers put stress on improving an organization's performance by finding more effective ways to divide work among people and units and better ways to coordinate these efforts. That is, they focused on the way the organization itself was structured. Other researchers felt an organization's performance could be improved if its employees were more motivated to do their work. Thus, researchers tried to determine how feelings and attitudes affected the performance of the work force. Researchers and writers began to study organizational structure and behavioral issues, which were and are particularly important to the managers with administrative responsibilities.
And the third set of issues is broader and concerns guiding and directing the whole organization and managing it as a system that is influenced by its environment. These are institutional issues. Modern managers must give equal thought to the purpose of the organization and its relationship to society. Nowadays managers are charged with the responsibility of taking action that will enable individuals to make their best contributions 2 / 11
to the group objectives. Management thus applies to small and large organizations, to profit and not-for-profit enterprises, to manufacturing as well as service industries.
By understanding how managers have solved problems and accomplished major feats throughout history, many different contributions of researcher and practitioners have resulted in different approaches to management, and these make up a \"management theory jungle\analysis and what can be done to untangle the jungle. In addition, we will highlight Frederick Taylor's scientific management, Henri Fayol's modern operational management theory, and Elton Mayo and F. J. Roethlisberger's Hawthorne studies.
Father of Scientific Management科学管理之父
Frederick Winslow Taylor, the father of scientific management, was born on March 20, 1865, into an upper class liberal Philadelphia family. At the age of 25, Taylor earned an engineering degree at the Stevens Institute of Technology in New Jersey while holding a full time job. To date, no one has broken that record.
Taylor's work was taking place in a time period when there was much industrial change happening after the Civil War. National industries grew out of local trades -- steel, glass, textiles, and shoes and what were small factories became large plants. Owners of capital became wealthier with mass production, and workers received little for their efforts. Problems included carelessness, safety, inefficiencies, and soldiering on the job. Taylor sought to get past the futile incentive bonuses that management thought would remedy the problems. He believed that incentive wages were no solution unless they were combined with efficient tasks that were carefully planned and easily learned. He proposed that management should work cooperatively in a supportive role. Taylor seemed to have some definite ideas about work and how it should be studied, organized, and rewarded, but he also knew something about the organizational change.
Taylor believed that the secret of productivity was finding the right challenge for each person, and then paying him well for increased output. At the Midvale Steel Company, he used time studies to set daily
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production quotas, and finally introduced piece work in the factory. His goal was to find the most efficient way to perform specific tasks. He closely watched how work was done and would then measure the quantity produced.
泰勒认为生产效率的秘密在于为每一个人(员工)发现找到恰当的挑战,并因个人产量的增加而支付他们更多的工资。在(美国)米德韦尔钢铁公司,泰勒用测时试验(工作定额研究)设定每日生产定额(工作)量,最后在 工厂里引入(形成)计件工作。他的目标是发现最有效的(工作、生产)方式来完成特定的任务。他紧密地观察(工人)怎样工作,并测量(他们)生产的数量。
Incentives would be paid to those reaching their daily goal. Those who didn't reach their goal would get the differential rate, a much lower pay. Taylor doubled productivity using time study, systematic controls and tools, functional foremanship, and his new wage scheme.
At age thirty-seven, Frederick became a consulting engineer. As he attached great importance to cost cutting methods, at the Simonds Roller Beating Company he successfully increased productivity while improving speed and accuracy. Taylor's critics said he was too harsh because his innovative plan caused people to lose their jobs, referring to his replacing of 120 workers with only 35 at Simonds. In practice, Taylor \"took a harsh, often ruthless approach\" to chopping heads rather than saving jobs. He believed that unions wouldn't be necessary if workers were paid their individual worth.
As a consultant, Frederick's most important client was Bethlehem Iron Company, later known as Bethlehem Steel Company. In 1901, he and another Stevens graduate made Bethlehem \"the world's most modern factory and potentially a prototype for manufacturers and engineers in other industries\" by installing production planning, differential piece rates, and functional foremanship. Among Taylor's other contributions to Bethlehem in 1901 were a real time analysis of daily output and costs, a modern cost accounting system, reduced yard worker's ranks from 500 to 140, doubled stamping mill production, and lowered cost per ton of materials handled from eight cents to four cents. He successfully implemented cost saving techniques even though he added clerks, teachers, time-study engineers, supervision and staffing support positions. While at Bethlehem, Taylor and Manusel White codeveloped the Taylor-White system for heat treating chrome-tungsten tool steel, which won Frederick international recognition.
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Taylor's famous book, The Principles of Scientific Management, was written from transcripts of talks Taylor gave at his estate years and was published in 1911. The fundamental principles that Taylor saw underlying the scientific approach to management are as follows:
~ Replacing rules of thumb with science (organized knowledge). 用科学(系统化的知识)代替单凭经验的方法。
~ Obtaining harmony, rather than discord, in group action.
~ Achieving cooperation of human beings, rather than chaotic individualism. 实现人与人之间的合作(集体主义)而不是混乱一团糟的个人主义 ~ Working for maximum output, rather than restricted output. 工作要追求产量最大化而不是限制产量。
~ Developing all workers to the fullest extent possible for their own and their company's highest prosperity.
You will notice that these basic precepts of Taylor's are not far from the fundamental beliefs of the modem managers, and besides, the system he indicated in his book is an actual composite of everything he had learned from trying different things at many companies. Taylor did what he could to fit as much of his thinking to his client's problems and motives for each particular situation. Consultants use this type of process today. He was the first person in history to make a systematic attempt to improve both output and work life in factories.
Taylor's core values are the rule of reason, improved quality, lower costs, higher wages, higher output, labor-management cooperation, experimentation, clear tasks and goals, feedback, training, mutual help and support, stress reduction, and the careful selection and development of people. He was the first to present a systematic study of interactions among job requirements, tools, methods, and human skill to fit people to jobs both psychologically and physically and to let data and facts do the talking rather than prejudice, opinions, or egomania.
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Text B Father of Modern Management Theory 近代管理理论之父 Pre-reading Activities课前阅读 Read Text B carefully and then divide the class into groups. Choose one of the following topics to discuss in each group. Give a short report about the group's opinion after that.
1. Tell each other about modern management and classical management. 相互讲讲近代管理和古典管理的主要内容。 2. Please list Fayol's achievements. 请列出法约尔的功绩。
3. Tell about the advantages and disadvantages of Hawthorne Studies. 讲讲霍桑试验的优势和劣势。
4. How much do you know about the administration history? 你对管理史知道多少。
5. Talk about the functions of management. 讨论一下管理职能。 TEXT B.1 Father of Modem Management Theory 近代管理理论之父
Viewing administration history from an international perspective, we may point to Henri Fayol (1841-1925) as the \"Father of Modem Management Theory.\" Fayol wrote Administration Industrielle et Generale (Functions and Principles of Management ) in 1916, and the book was published in French in 1917. it was not until the book was translated into English in 1930, several years after his death that British and American managers began to take advantage of his contributions to the study of organizations.
Hired as an engineer by a French mining company, he worked his way up the ranks to manager, general manager, then member of the board of directors, so he was a successful engineer and a director of mines. In the year 1888 he was hired by Comambault as Director. Fayol saved the company from bankruptcy by using his ideas.
法约尔作为一名工程师曾受雇于一家法国矿业公司,他按照自己的工作方式使职衔逐步升职(work up to)至经理、董事会董事(成员),因此他是一个成功的工程师和矿井领导者。在1888年他被任命为科芒特里矿长。法约尔用自己的管理理念挽救了这家濒临破产的企业。
Fayol became a pioneer in the field of management thought, first for distinguishing managerial activity from all other activities in organizations, and second, for defining managerial activity in terms of its core functions. He describes them as follows: planning -- devising a course of actions; organizing -- mobilizing material and human resources; commanding -- providing direction to employees; coordinating -- making sure activities and resources are working well together toward the common goal; and controlling -- monitoring progress to ensure that plans are being carried out properly. These functions of management were to be carried out in all aspects of the organization: technical production, marketing, finance, accounting and secure.
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Fayol was also the first to offer a list of 14 principles of management to guide managers. Each of his principles is a general statement usually involving a single basic idea that can be applied in different kinds of organizations and in different ways. Though the 14 principles of management are presented, Fayol stressed the fact that administration was concerned with the human part of an undertaking. The following principles were to be applied in a flexible manner by administrators (managers) who could adapt them to the specific circumstance.
1. Division of Labor: Through specialization of labor, maximum efficiency can be achieved. (劳动)分工:通过劳工专业化(劳动分工),实现效率最大化。
2. Authority and Responsibility: Authority is the right to command and the power. 权力和责任:权力是正确地命令他人的行为和能力。
3. Discipline: The essence of discipline is \"obedience, diligence, energy, correct attitude, and outward marks of respect, within the limits fixed by a concern (organization) and its employees.\"
4. Unity of command: Everyone should have one, and only one, boss. 统一指挥(命令):每一个员工应该有且只有一个上级。
5. Unity of direction: There should be only one manager and one plan for all operations of the same type. This assures consistency and responsibility.
6. Subordination of Individual Interest to the Common Good: The goals of the organization take precedence over the goal of the individual.
7. Remuneration: Employees should be paid fairly for their work, and the payment should be an incentive to perform well and not lead to unreasonable rewards.
8. Centralization: Authority and responsibility should not be too centralize in one manager. There should be enough delegation to others that subordinates are encouraged to work well, yet enough centralization to ensure accountability within the organization.
9. Hierarchy: The line of authority in an organization (scalar chain) runs from top to bottom in a straight line. Communications should normally follow this path, although administrators should be able to
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communicate across the organization to their peers at the same level of authority.
10. Order: To run well, an organization should have a place for everything and everything should be in its place.
11. Equity: The organization runs best when there is friendliness among employees and managers and when managers act fairly toward others.
12. Stability of Staff: Employee turnover is unhealthy for organizations. Good administration encourages commitment and long-term associations from employees.
13. Initiative: Subordinates should be given the opportunity and freedom to conceive and execute a plan, even if it sometimes fails.
14. Esprit de corps: The morale of an organization's people is an asset and should be cultivated and encouraged by administrators whenever possible.
B.2 Hawthorne Studies 霍桑试验
Elton Mayo ( 1880-1949 ), F. J. Roethlisberger and other researchers undertook the famous experiments at the Hawthorne plant of the Western Electric Company between 1927 and 1932. So the Hawthorne Studies refer to a group of studies conducted at the Hawthorne plant whose results ultimately led to the human relations view of management, a behavioral approach that emphasized concern for the worker. To understand their significance, we need to trace the studies from their beginning.
When they started, the Hawthorne Studies reflected the scientific management tradition of seeking greater efficiency by improving the tools and methods of work -- in this case, lighting. The General Electric Company wanted to sell more light bulbs, so along with other electric companies, it supported studies on the relationship between lighting and productivity that were to be conducted by the National Research Council. The tests were to be held at the Hawthorne Works (Chicago) of the Western Electric Company, an equipment-producing subsidiary of AT&T. Ultimately, three sets of studies were done. 当梅奥他们开始研究时,霍桑试验考虑科学管理的惯例:通过改善工作工具和方法,比如说照明强度,来寻找增加生产效率的方法。通用电气公司想卖出更多的(白炽灯的)灯泡,因此连同其他电子公司支持研究照明强度与生产效率之间的关系,这是在美国国家研究委员会资助下进行的研究。其余的研究都是在芝加哥西方电子公司霍桑工厂进行的,西方电子公司是供应美国电话电报公司生产设备的
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B.2.1. The first set of studies, called the Illumination Studies, took place between 1924 and 1927 under the direction of several engineers. In one of these studies, light was decreased over successive periods for the experimental group (the group for whom the lighting was altered ), while light was held at a constant level for the control group ( a comparison group working in a separate area ). In both groups, performance rose steadily, even though the lighting for the experimental group became so dim that the workers complained that they could hardly see. At that point, performance in the experimental group finally began to decline. The researchers concluded that factors other than lighting were at work ( since performance rose in both groups), and the project was discontinued. In retrospect, one possibility based on the records of the studies is that the experimental and control groups were in contact and may have begun competing with each other.
B.2.2. Intrigued with the positive changes in productivity, some of the engineers and company officials decided to attempt to determine the causes through further studies. Accordingly, a second set of experiments took place between 1927 and 1933. The most famous study involved five women who assembled electrical relays in the Relay Assembly Test Room, where they were away from other workers and the researchers could alter work conditions and evaluate the results. Before the study began, the researchers were apparently concerned about possible negative reactions from the workers who would be included in the experiment. To lessen potential resistance, the researchers changed the usual supervisory arrangement so that there would be no official supervisor. Instead, the workers would operate under the general direction of the experimenters. The workers were also given special privileges, such as being able to leave their workstation without permission, and they received considerable attention from the experimenters and company officials. The study was aimed at exploring the best combination of work and rest periods, but a number of other factors were also varied (sometimes simultaneously), such as pay, length of workday, and provisions for free lunches. Generally, productivity increased over the period of the study, regardless of how the factors under consideration were manipulated.
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A Harvard University research group ultimately concluded that the change in the supervisory arrangement was the major reason for the increase in productivity in the Relay Assembly Test Room study and in two related studies involving different work groups. The researchers felt that the physical changes, such as rest periods, free lunches, and shortened hours, as well as the group incentive pay plans, were factors of lesser importance ( largely because adverse changes in some of these factors did not seem to decrease performance ).
Since the supervisory arrangement had been set up by the researchers before the study began, this change was not actually part of the study manipulations and was not intended to affect the results. One outcome of the studies was the identification of a famous concept that ultimately came to be known as the Hawthorne effect. The Hawthorne effect is the possibility that individuals singled out for a study may improve their performance simply because of the added attention they receive from the researchers, rather than because of any specific factors being tested in the study.
More contemporary investigations now suggest that the Hawthorne-effect concept is too simplistic to explain what happened during the Hawthorne studies and that the concept itself is defective. It now appears likely that the results obtained at the Hawthorne plant stemmed from the fact that the workers interpreted what was going on around them differently from the researchers ( rather than from the idea that the workers reacted positively simply because of attention from the researchers ). The workers most likely viewed the altered supervision as an important positive change in their work environment, even though that was not what the researchers intended.
B.2.3. The third set of Hawthorne Studies built on the emerging findings of the second set. It included the famous Bank Wiring Observation Room study (1931- 1932), which involved a group of male workers. Studying the group provided knowledge about informal social relations within groups and about the use of group norms to restrict output when doing so seems advantageous to the group.
第三组霍桑试验是建立在第二组试验出现的结果(发现)基础上的。试验包括(1931年- 1932年)著名的继电器绕线组的工作室试验,其中涉及的是一组男性工人。研究这个小组发现小组内部存在非正式的社会关系,并且当有利于团队时,小组内会使用团体规范(内部规范)限制(个人)产量。
As a result of the Hawthorne Studies, the focus of the field of management was drastically altered. In strong contrast to the impersonality that characterized the classical approach, the Hawthorne Studies pointed to the impact that social aspects of the job had on productivity, particularly the effects of personal attention from supervisors and relationships among group members. As one writer has pointed out, \"No other theory or set of experiments has stimulated more research and controversy nor contributed mom to a change in management
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thinking than the Hawthorne studies and the human relations movement they spawned.\"
However flawed the studies, the Hawthorne research set the stage for intense interest in the social dimension of human behavior in organizations. The key to productivity from a managerial point of view appeared to lie in showing greater concern for workers so that they would feel more satisfied with their jobs and be willing to produce more. Emphasis was placed on building more collaborative and cooperative relationships between supervisors and workers. Consequently, managers now needed social skills in addition to technical skills. They also required a better understanding of how to make workers feel more satisfied with their jobs.
尽管这项研究有缺陷和瑕疵,霍桑研究者们还是为研究组织内的人类行为的社会维度方面产生巨大兴趣打下了基础。从管理的角度看,生产率的关键似乎在于对工人显示更大的关注(关心),以至于工人们将对他们的工作感觉更满意,愿意生产更多的(产品)。其重点在于在监管者与工人之间构建更多的协作和合作关系。因此,管理者现在除了需要技术技巧之外,还需要社会技巧。他们也需要一个较好地理解如何让工人们对他们的工作更满意。(set the stage for为…做好准备,为…创造条件,为…打下基础)
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