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Sweetening composition

2023-01-27 来源:小侦探旅游网

专利名称:Sweetening composition发明人:NACHBAGAUER, Josef,GANSCH,

Heidemarie,GOEHLER, Lydia,HABRING,Sabrina,PABI, Nicole


摘要:The present invention relates to a sweetening composition comprising

rebaudioside A, rebaudioside B and rebaudioside D wherein, based on the total weight ofrebaudioside A, rebaudioside B and rebaudioside D, rebaudioside A is present in anamount in the range from 80.0 to 99.0 wt-%, rebaudioside B is present in an amount in therange from 0.1 to 1.5 wt-%, and rebaudioside D is present in an amount in the range from0.9 to 18.5 wt-%. Moreover, the present invention is about the use of said sweeteningcompositions for sweetening and preparing beverages as well as for preparing syrups asprecursors and for the preparation of such beverages. The invention is also about abeverage comprising said sweetening compositions as well as about a process forpreparing such beverage.

申请人:Red Bull GmbH

地址:Am Brunnen 1 5330 Fuschl am See AT


代理机构:Metten, Karl-Heinz

