People 人
I admire people with gentle manners who treat other people as human beings. I abhor quarrelsome people. I abhor people who wage paper-warfare. Confessions of an Advertising Man
我佩服温文有礼,以诚待人者。我憎恶那些争论不休的人。我痛恨那些打笔战的人。 If you always hire people who are smallerthan you are,we shall become a company of dwarfs. If,on the other hand,you always hire people who are bigger than you are, we shall become a company of giants.
If you ever find a man who is better than you are-hire him. If necessary,pay him more than you pay yourself. Principles of Management
当你发掘到一个比你还杰出的人才,立即雇用他。必要时,付给他比自己还高的薪水。 I despise toadies who suck up to their bosses;they are generally the same people who bully their subordinates.
我鄙视对上司谄媚奉承的马屁精;这种人通常也擅于欺凌威协他们的下属。 ADVERTISING PEOPLE 广告人
Advertising is a business of words,but advertising agencies are infested with men and women who cannot write. They are as helpless as deaf mutes on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera.
Confessions of an Advertising Man
I don't believe in this specialisation. Who said that there's one breed of cat which is an account executive,and then there are the creative people-and they are quite different? This has been perpetuated by both sides for years. It's nonsense.
In most agencies,account executives outnumber the copywriters two to one. If you were a dairy farmer,would you employ twice as many milkers as you had cows
在大部分的广告代理商,业务人员的数目,往往是文案人员的两倍。如果你是个酪农,你所雇用的挤牛奶工人,会比牛只数目多一倍吗? CREATIVE PEOPLE 创意人
Few of the great creators have bland personalities. They are cantankerous egotists,the kind of men who are unwelcome in the modern corporation. Confessions of an Advertising Man
Madison Avenue is full of masochists who unconsciously provoke rejection by their clients. I now brilliant men who have lost every account they have ever handled. Confessions of an Advertising Man
One of the most brilliant colleagues I ever had was blackballed by three clients in one year;the experience hurt him so badly that he left the agency business for ever. If you are too thin-skinned to survive this hazard,you should not become an account executive in an advertising agency.
我曾与一个极为出色的人共事,他在一年之内被三个客户解雇;这经验对他伤害极深,并教他永永远远离开广告这行业。假如你是个脸皮薄、无法在险运中生存的人,就不要在广告公司担任业务人员。 COMMITTEES 委员会
A lot of advertisements and television commercials look like minutes of a committee meeting,and that is what they are. Advertising seems to sell most when it is written by a solit
ary individual. He must study the product,the research and the precedents. Then he must shut the door of his office and write the advertisements.
Nowadays it is the fashion to pretend that no single individual is ever responsible for a successful advertising campaign. This emphasis on \"teamwork\"is bunkum-a conspiracy of the mediocre majority.
很多人认为,一个成功的广告活动不是一人之功。这种强调「团队合作」的论调其实是欺人之谈—是平凡庸碌之辈的阴谋。 LEADERSHIP 领导
Do not summon people to your office-it frightens them. Instead go to see them in their offices. This makes you visible throughout the agency. A Chairman who never wanders about his agency becomes a hermit,out of touch with his staff.
叫人到你的办公室,只会吓怕他们;走到他们的办公室看看吧!你将更了解公司的状况。一个从不四处走动的管理人员,久而久之将形同离群索居的隐士,与员工失去联系。 Our offices must always be headed by the kind of men who command respect. Not phonies,zeros or bastards.
公司应该由备受敬重的人领导,而不是伪君子、一无是处的小人,或拙劣之徒。 CLIENTS 客户
I always use my clients' products. This is not toadyism but elementary good manners. 我总是用客户的产品。这并不是谄媚奉承,而是良好的基本态度。
Don't expect your agency to pay for all the dry holes they drill on your behalf. Confessions of an Advertising Man
The best way to get new accounts is to create for our present clients the kind of advertising that will attract prospective clients. We do not have new business departments in our offices. No first class man will take the job;no second class man can do it effectively.
If you resign accounts every time you feel like doing so,you will empty your portfolio every year.
如果你每次想辞退客户时,就真的这么做,那你的客户名单将所剩无几。 CONSUMERS 消费者
You aren't advertising to a standing army;you are advertising to a moving parade. Three million consumers get married every year. The advertisement which sold a refrigerator to those who got married last year will probably be just as successful with those who'll get married next year. Anadvertisement is just like a radar sweep,constantly hunting new prospects as they come into the market. Get a good radar and keep it sweeping.
The consumer isn't a moron;she is your wife. You insult her intelligence if you assume that a mere slogan and a few vapid adjectives will persuade her to buy anything. She wants all the information you cangive her.
消费者不是白痴;她是你的妻子。如果你认为只要一句广告词配上一些索然无味的形容词,就可以说服她去买任何东西,那你是在侮辱她的智慧。她要的是所有你能提供的资讯。 THE POWER OF ADVERTISING 广告的力量
I once found myself conspiring with a President of the Board of Trade as to how we might persuade H.M. Treasury to cough up more money for the British Travel advertising in America. Said Sir David Eccles,\"Why does any American in his senses spend his holidays in the cold damp of an English summer when he could equally well bask under Italian skies? Ican only suppose
that your advertising is the answer.\"Quite so.
I frequently hear the Magic Lanterns described as rules. They are not rules. They are reports. Reports on how consumers react to different stimuli. If it were possible to create great advertising merely by studying the Lanterns,any damn fool could do it. More is required:innovative genius. The Lanterns only light the way for genius,indicating the most fruitful path to explore.
我经常听到「神灯系列」被奉为圭臬。「神灯」并非金科玉律,而是几篇有关消费者如何回应不同外在刺激的报告。如果只靠研读「神灯」就可以创作出好广告,那任何一个白痴都做得到。好广告更需要勇于创新的天才。「神灯」只为天才们引路,指向那条等待发掘的丰沛途径。 创意会议报告
Shakespeare wrote his sonnets within a strict discipline,fourteen lines of iambic pentameter,rhyming in three quatrains and a couplet. Were his sonnets dull? Mozart wrote sonatas within an equally rigid discipline-exposition,development,and recapitulation. Were they dull?
Supposing you've got an acute appendicitis. You've got to be operated on tonight. Would you like to have a surgeon who's read some books of anatomy and knows how to do that operation-or would you prefer to have a surgeon who refused to read all books about anatomy and relied on his own instinct? Why should a manufacturer bet his money-perhaps the future of his company-on your instinct?
I had a friend who was the King's surgeonin England. One day I asked him what makes a great surgeon. He replied,\"What distinguishes a great surgeon is his knowledge. He knows more than other surgeons. During an operation he finds something which he wasn't expecting,recognizes it and knows what to do about it.\"
It's the same thing with advertising people. The good ones know more. How do you get to know more? By reading books about advertising. By picking the brains of people who know more than you do. From the Magic Lanterns. And from experience. I can't stand callow amateurs who aren't
sufficiently interested in the craft of advertising to assume the posture of students. 我有个朋友是英国的御用外科医生。有一天,我问他如何成为一个优秀的外科医师。他回答道:「外科医师的朗窳在于其知识渊博的程度。优秀的外科医师懂得比其他人多。在手术的过程中,当他发现超乎他预期的问题时,他可以辨识出症结所在,并懂得如何处理。」广告人也是一样。懂得愈多的人愈优秀。如何知道得更多呢?阅读更多有关广告的书籍,从那些懂得比你多的人的身上学习,由「神灯系列」及经验中,发掘更多的知识。我无法忍受并不热衷于广告的外行人,装扮成学生的样子。 POSITIONING 品牌定位
The most important decision is how to position your product. How to Create Advertising that Sells
A lot of successful advertising was created before POSITIONING was invented. And a lot of today's campaigns are based on optimum positioning but are totally ineffective-because they are dull,or badly constructed,or ineptly written. If nobody reads your advertisement or looks at your commercial,it doesn't do you much good to have the right positioning. 有很多成功的广告是在「定位」前创造的。现时有许多活动是以最理想的品牌定位为前题,但却完全不见彰效——因为它们索然无味,或是架构很差,或者是用字遣词不适当。即使有合适的品牌定位,如果没有人去读去看你的平面或电视广告,一切也是无效。
Every advertisement must contribute to the complex symbol which is the brand image. 所有广告都应该有助于建立一个复杂的象征符号,即品牌形象。
Most manufacturers are reluctant to accept any limitation on the image of their brand. They want it to be all things to allpeople. They want their brand to be a male brand and a female brand. An upper class brand and a plebeian brand. They generally end up with a brand which has no per
sonality of any kind,a wishy washy neuter.No capon ever rules the roost.
大多数的厂商都不愿意接受自己的品牌形象有局限;他们想要面面俱圆的大众品牌——属于男性也属于女性,是上流社会也是市井小民的品牌。这种四处讨好的心理只会让品牌完全丧失个性,而成为平淡无味的无性商品。自古至今,太监无法当皇帝,正是同样的道理。 It takes uncommon guts to stick to one style in the face of all the pressures to \"come up with something new\"every six months. It is tragically easy to be stampeded into change. But golden rewards await the advertiser who has the brains to create a coherent image,and the stability to stick with it over a long period.
The mail order advertiser has no retailers to shrink and expand their inventories,to push his product or to hide it under the counter. He must rely on his advertisements to do the entire selling job. Either the reader clips the coupon or he doesn't. A few days after his advertisement appears,the mail order writer knows whether it is profitable or not. For twenty seven years Ihave kept my eyes riveted on what mail order advertisers do in their advertisements.
邮购商没有零售商来帮他减少、增加、促销或收藏其存货。他必须完全依靠邮购广告来销售他的产品。消费者看到广告后,可能会剪下传单上的折价券,也可能完全置之不理。只要在广告刊登后的几天内,邮购撰文者便可知道这则广告是否具有销售力。二十七年来,我一直密切观察邮购商如何做广告。 COPYWRITING
It is a mistake to use highfalutin language when you advertise to uneducated people. Ionce used the word OBSOLETE in a headline,only to discover that 33% of housewives had no idea of what it meant. In another headline, Iused the word INEFFABLE,only to discover that Ididn't know what it meant myself.
当你针对未受教育的人做广告,别用艰涩难懂的字眼。我有一次用了「废弛」在广告标题中, 发现有百分之三十三的家庭主妇根本不知道它的意思。在另一个标题中,我用了「不可名状」, 才发现连我自己也搞不清我想讲什么。 ART 艺术
Once upon a time I was riding on the top of a First Avenue bus,when I heard a mythical housewife say to another,\"Molly,my dear,I would have bought that new brand of toilet soap if only they hadn't set the body copy in ten point Garamond.\" Don't you believe it. What really decides consumers to buy or not to buy is the content of your advertising,not its form.
有一次我坐在第一大道的巴士上层,听到一位主妇和另外一位主妇说道:「我亲爱的茉莉啊, 要不是他们放十级的Garamond字形在这个广告上,我早就买了这个新的香皂。」千万别相信这一套。真正决定消费者购买与否的关键在于广告的内容,而不是它的结构形式。 Most of the art schools which train unsuspecting students for careers in advertising still subscribe to the mystique of the Bauhaus. They hold that the success of an advertisement depends on such things as\"balance\\"design\" but can they prove it? My research suggest that
these aesthetic intangibles do not increase sales,and I cannot conceal my hostility to the old school of art directors whotake such preachments seriously .
许多培育懵懂学生成为广告人的艺术学校至今仍赞同包浩斯的秘诀。他们认为一个成功的广告需要靠「均衡」、「动感」和「设计」来达成,但是他们可以证明吗?我的研究却指出,这些无形的艺术美学并不会增加销售。对于那些执着于这类大道理的老学院艺术指导师,我实在无法隐藏敌意。 包浩斯—1919年创立于德国威玛的一所学校,专门研究艺术、设计与建筑,以其实用建筑形式之发展及建筑材料之实验应用而著名。
\"Making the logo twice the size\" is often a good thing to do ,because most advertisement
s are deficient in brand identification. \"Showing the clients'faces\" is also a better stuatagem than it may sound,because the public is more interested in personalities than in corporations. Some clients can be projected as human symbols oftheir own products.
H.L.Menchen once said that nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public. That is not true. I have come to believe that it pays to make all your layouts project a feeling of good taste,provided that you do it unobtrusively. An ugly layout suggests an ugly produ
ct. There are very few products which do not benefit from being given a first class ticket through life.
孟肯曾经说过没有人会因为低估美国大众的品味而破产。这并不是真的。我渐渐地相信,赋予广告稿一种好品味是值得的。丑陋的广告意味着品质低劣的商品。在贴上一流标签之后,极少产品不因此而获利终生。 LAYOUTS 版面
Most headlines are set too big to be legible in the magazines or newspaper. Never approve a layout until you have seen it pasted into the magazine or newspaper for which it is destined. If you pin up the layouts on a lulletin board and appraise them from fifteen feet,you will produce posters.
Today,almost all our layouts look \"addy\".Too bad. How do you sell editorial layouts to clients? Try saying,\"would you like the editors of half a dozen magazines to devote a whole page to your product?\" The client will reply,\"Yes,of course. But it is impossible.\" You say,\"It is possible.
You buy the space and I will put an editorial in it. Look,here is your editorial.Better than any advertisement,isn't it?\"
Most readers look at the photograph first.If you put it in the middle of the page,the reader will start by looking in the middle.Then her eye must go up to read the headline;this doesn't work ,because people have a habit of scanning downwards.However,suppose a few readers do read the headline after seeing the photograph below it.After that,you require them to jump down past the photograph which they have already seen.Not bloody likely. 大部份的读者都会先看照片。如果你把照片放在整篇广告的中间,读者便会从中间开始阅读。 此时,他们必须将眼光往上移去读标题?这是不自然的,因为人们在阅读时都会有往下浏览的习惯。然而,假设真的有少部份人看过下方的照片后,又回头念了标题,你还希望他们跳过已经看过照片,继续地往下阅读?不太可能吧!
It has been found that the less an advertisement looks like an advertisement,and the more it looks like an editorial, the more readers stop,look and read. Therefore,study the graphics used by editors and imitate them. Study the graphics used in advertisements,and avoid them.
有人发现一篇「编辑式」的广告比「广告化」的广告吸引更多读者注意、观看及阅读。所以, 应该学习和仿效杂志的图文编排手法;并设法避免使用一般广告版面设计。
All too often the bottoms of advertisements are littered with miscellaneous crap,gadgets,etc. Get rid of them;they contribute to an appearance of untidiness which reduces\"impact\"and readership.
在广告版面的底部,最常见到杂乱无章的垃圾及小玩意儿。拿掉它们;它们所带来的凌乱感觉只会让广告的「影响力」打折扣,并减少读者人数。 TELEVISION COMMERCIALS 电视广告
I have found that it is easier to double the selling power of a commercial than to double the audience of a programme. Thismay come as news to the Hollywood hidalgos who produce programmes,and look down their noses at us obscure copywriters who write the co
The purpose of a commercial is not to entertain the viewer but to sell him. Horace Schwerin reports that there is no correlation between people liking commercials and being sold by them. But this does not mean that your commercials should be deliberately badmannered. On the contrary,there is reason to believe that is pays to make them human and friendly,if you can do so without being unctuous.
Research has shown that commercials which open with a dramatic visual hold their a udience better than commercials which don't. if you are advertisinfg a fire-extinguisher,open with the fire.
Candor compells me to admit that Ihave noconclusive research to support my view that jingles are less persuasive than the spoken word. It is based on the difficulty Ialways experience in hearing the wordsin jingles,and on my experience as a door-to-door salesman;I never sang to my pro
spects. The advertisers who believe in the selling power of jingles have never had to sell anything.
Next time you decide to have the salespitch sung in a television or radio commercial,play the song to half-a-dozen people who know nothing about the product. Then ask them what it said.
当你决定在比稿的电视或广播广告中唱歌时,请把歌曲播放给一些完全不了解这个产品的人听一听,并问他们这首歌曲说了些什么。 POSTERS 海报
I have never liked posters. The passing motorist does not have time to read more than six words on a poster,and my early experience as a door-to-door salesman convinced me that it is impossible to sell anything with only six words. In a newspaper or magazine advertisement,I can use hund
reds of words. Posters are for sloganeers.
我从来没有喜欢过海报。匆匆驶过的驾车者通常没有时间看超过六个字;而根据我做推销员的经验,想用六个字就把产品推销出去,绝不可能。在报纸或杂志的广告中,我却可以用上百个字辞。海报是给那些「标语专家」用的。 ADVERTISING AWARDS 广告奖
It is the professional duty of the advertising agent to conceal his artifice. When Aeschines spoke,they said,\"How well he speaks.\" But when Demosthenes spoke,they said,\"Let us march against Philip.\"
隐藏自己的技巧,是广告公司的专业责任。当艾斯奇演讲,听众说:「多么美好的演说!」但 是狄摩斯在演说时,人人却喊:「打倒菲利浦王!」我支持狄摩斯派。
Resist the temptation to write the kind of copy which wins awards. I am always gratified when I win an award,but most of the campaigns which produce results never win awards because they don't draw attention to themselves.
告活动都没有得过奖,因为广告活动发展的源头并不是以得奖为目的。 GOOD TASTE 好品味
While you are responsible to your clientsfor sales results,you are also responsible to consumers for the kind of advertising you bring into their homes. I abhor advertising that is blatant,dull,or dishonest. Agencies which transgress this principle are not widely respected. 你对客户的销售业绩负责,也对深入消费者家庭的广告影片负责。我痛恨那些华而不实、平淡无奇、或自欺欺人的广告。与此原则背道而驰的代理商势必无法广受尊崇。
Never write an advertisement which you wouldn't want your own family to read. You wouldn't tell lies to your own wife. Don't tell them to mine.
你不愿让家人看到的广告,不要做。你不会对你的妻子说谎,那么也不要对我的妻子说谎。 IDEAS 创意
Senior men have no monopoly on great ideas. Nor do creative people. Some of the best ideas come from account executives,researchers and others. Encourage this;you need all the ideas you can get .
资深人员没有独揽好创意的特权,创意人员也不行。有些绝佳创意来自业务人员、研究人员或其他人员。鼓励大家参与创作,因我们需要极多创意。 管理的原则
Unless your advertising is built on a BIGI DEA it will pass like a ship in the night. 除非你的广告源自「大创意」,否则它就像黑夜中驶过汪洋的船只,无人知晓。
Encourage innovation. Change is our life-blood,stagnation our death knell.鼓励创新。改变是我们的生命血脉,停滞则如同敲起丧钟。 RESEARCH 研究
The most important word in the vocabulary of advertising is TEST. Test your promise. Test your media. Test your headlines and your illustrations. Test the size of your advertisements. Test your frequency. Test your level of expenditure. Test your commercials. Never stop testing,and your
advertising will never stop improving.
在广告界中,测试最重要。测试你的承诺。测试你的媒体选择。测试你的标题及图片。测试你广告的版面大小。测试你的刊播频度。测试你的广告花费。测试你的广告影片。不断测试,那么你的广告将会不断的进步。 PROMOTIONS 促销
A steady diet of price-off promotions lowers the esteem in which the consumer holds the product;can anything which is always sold at a discount be desirable?
经年不变的减价促销活动,会使消费者减低对产品的评价。试问一个老是打折扣的产品怎么可能引人渴求? JARGON 专业术语
Our business is infested with idiots who try to impress by using pretentious jargon. They say that commercials for food products must include \"an affirmative eatingexperience\". The latest horror is SUBOPTIMIZE.
我们这一行有群自命不凡的白痴,爱使用专业术语以吸引大众目光。他们说食品广告必需涵括「一种确定的饮食经验」。最近出现的一个令人憎恶的词汇是「次完美化」。 WORK 工作
I figure that my staff will be less reluctant to work overtime if I work longer hours than they do.
I believe in the Scottish proverb:\"Hard work never killed a man.\" Men die of boredom,psychological conflict and disease. They do not die of hard work.
我深信苏格兰的一句谚语:「辛勤工作绝不会置人于死地。」人们死于厌烦、心理冲突和疾病。 但他们不会死于辛勤工作。
Agencies which frequently work nights and weekends are more stimulating,more successful-and more profitable. A tight ship is a happy ship-provided it is an informalship.
一家日以继夜、持续不断工作的广告代理商不仅比较刺激、比较成功、而且获利也比较高。一个效率高、又不拘形式的工作环境是令人心旷神怡的。 EFFICIENCY 效率
In the best establishments,promises are always kept,whatever it may cost in agony and overtime. 首屈一指的公司,为了信守承诺,会付出精神痛苦与加班熬夜,不惜一切。
To keep your ship moving through the water at maximum efficiency,you have to keep scraping the barnacles off its bottom. It is rare for a department head to recommend the abolition of a job,or even the elimination of a man;the pressure from below is always for adding. If the initiative for barnacle-scraping does not come from management,barnacles will never be scraped.
It is the inescapable duty of management to fire incompetent people. 辞退能力不足的人是管理阶层无可避免的责任。 EXCELLENCE 卓越
The pursuit of excellence is less profitable than the pursuit of bigness,but it can be more satisfying. 追求卓越虽比追求硕大较无利润可言,但却令人更心满意足。