专利名称:Method of separating inorganic material
from coal
发明人:Charles E. Capes,Rene J. Germain,Allan E.
McIlhinney,Ira E. Puddington,Aurelio F.Sirianni
摘要:A high proportion of the inorganic materials, (ash) content is removed from coalby providing the coal as a suspension with a liquid hydrocarbon oil, mixing an aqueousagglomerating liquid comprising water with the suspension, mixing a particulate materialhaving a hydrophilic surface that is readily wetted by liquid water with the suspension,agitating the suspension to agglomerate the ash, and then separating the ash from theremainder. The particulate material having a hydrophilic surface may be ash,
agglomerated silica flour, coarse silica chips, limestone or peat moss, and a binder for theash may be dispersed or dissolved in the aqueous agglomerating liquid. In some
instances the coal may be initially in the form of an aqueous suspension, and the coal caneither be agglomerated from the suspendant by using a portion of the liquid
hydrocarbon oil and then adding the remainder, or filtered therefrom and then the filtercake mixed with the liquid hydrocarbon oil.
代理人:Francis W. Lemon