1 Yeterda ______ 8-ear-od bo fe into the river ______ bo wa aved b ______ e C M
BeijingUnited StatesCanadaIrelandGreat BritainAmericaIrelandScotlandEnglandFranceCanada China peak of Dome A.Antarctic Icecap Peake b
32 When the tiger aw the man, he began to cr, becaue _____________
A he wanted the man to hee a nure Afterward for five ear he wored in an Engih hoEnglandGermanyBelgiuming a good Engih earner
46 The fan gathered around the ____________ in order to get their ignature 冠军
47 Are ou afraid of going out at night b __________, bo 你自己 48 Don’t drin the ____________ water It wi mae ou i 污染
49 Ever time ou anwer a quetion ___________, ou wi get a Suzhou Industry Parkagine, thing are rea different from the wa the are at home 4 Wh i cod running water hea burn
5 the more ou eercie the heathier ou wi be! 六、略
Asia EnglandItaly