

2023-03-24 来源:小侦探旅游网


发明人:REGINALD WILLIAM HARRISON申请号:AU7439274申请日:19741016公开号:AU7439274A公开日:19760429

摘要:1491202 Coated products WARNE SURGICAL PRODUCTS Ltd 8 Oct 1974 [17 Oct1973] 48441/73 Heading B2E A method of making a catheter or tube useful for medicalor surgical purposes having at the patient end (as defined) a coating of a finely-divided,highly X-ray opaque substance, in which to the patient end is applied a paste whichcomprises a finely-divided substance which is high in opacity to X-rays and which has aparticle size of not greater than one micron, dispersed in a solution of a syntheticpolymer dissolved in at least one organic solvent which is evaporatable and which willsoften the synthetic plastics material of which the patient end is made, and allowing thesolvent to evaporate thereby to form the coating. The coating may be formed bytransfer printing, brushing, spraying or, preferably, dipping. The synthetic polymersolution is preferably saturated, and the weight of X-ray opaque substance is preferablyabout equal to that of the synthetic polymer. The synthetic polymer is preferablypolyvinylchloride or polyurethane, the X-ray opaque substance is preferably bismuth,precipitated barium sulphate or tungsten, and the solvent is preferably cyclohexanone,methyl ethyl ketone, tetrahydrofuran or mixtures thereof. In the Examples; the syntheticpolymer is (1) polyvinylchloride, (2) polyurethane; the X-ray opaque substance is (1) (2)bismuth, precipitated barium sulphate, tungsten, the solvent is cyclohexanone and/or

methyl ethyl ketone, (2) tetrahydrofuran; the tubing is (1) (2) polyvinylchloride, (2)polyurethane.


