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Frequency linearization and sensitivity equalizati


专利名称:Frequency linearization and sensitivity

equalization of a frequency modulatedcrystal oscillator

发明人:Bortolo M. Pradal,Paul L. Buess申请号:US05/803225申请日:19770603公开号:US04088968A公开日:19780509

摘要:A direct FM modulator includes an oscillator comprising a current conductingdevice providing amplification to sustain oscillations and a frequency determining circuitconnected thereto for controlling the frequency of oscillation. The frequencydetermining circuit includes a piezoelectric element in series with a voltage variablecapacitance and an adjustable capacitance coupled across this series combination. Thecapacitance of the voltage variable capacitance is changed by a modulating voltage toprovide frequency deviation about the center frequency of oscillation. A frequencylinearization of the crystal oscillator is provided by a selected value of capacitancecoupled across the varactor and the capacitance value of the adjustable capacitance suchthat the frequency deviation vs. voltage is maximum at the initial reference bias voltageand is symmetrical about this reference bias.


代理人:Eugene M. Whitacre,Paul J. Rasmussen,Robert L. Troike

