


  They say that when you die your life flashes before your eyes。 Will you seeany-thing other than a small black box in the corner of your room? What have youchanged in th world? What will you leave behind?


  Or maybe you are surrounded by people all the time。duanwenw。 You are thecenter of attention and everybody loves you。 You go out with your friends,partying and having fun, but what about in the morning? You wake up with asevere headache and an upset stomach。 What about your death? Do you think it wastime to go?


  You could be the exact opposite。 You may want pany, but for whatever reasonnot have it。 Maybe you’re scared or shy。 You go home, lock yourself in yourroom, and sink into anger。


  Are you an adventurer? Will your love of adventure lead to your end? Youcan never be quite sure when your heart and spirit will be broken。 All youradventures will one day be forgotten and it will all have been for nothing。


  Or maybe you played it safe your entire life。 You outlived all thoseothers, but what for? You never did anything great; you never made anything ofyourself。 You’re alone in all your security, but that worth it? You just took upspace on th earth。


  They say that when you die, your life flashes before your eyes。 What willyou see?

