英语:Good morning ! My respectful teachers and dear classmates. The New Year ding soon sounds, the time wheel has left a deep trace. In the winter warm sunlight, 20xx New Year's Day will come. Now I announced: the party of 20xx New Year's Day now starts.
女:同学们,首先,让我们用热烈的掌声对各位家长的到来表示欢迎! 感谢你们的到来!
英语:First of all, Let us use the warm applause to express welcome to fellow guardians' arrival! Thanks your arrival!
男:接下来, 让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎校长致词。
英语:Next, let’s invite our principle Miss Liao to give us the opening address.
男:让我们在欢歌笑语中迎接圣诞老人的祝福。(圣诞老人出现:hello, everyone, merry Christmas happy new year.撒糖)首先,有请五二班的同学拉开我们演唱会的序幕。请听歌曲“We wish you a merry Christmas”。
英语:let’s welcome the Santa Claus with the cheerful singing and dancing performed by class two grade five. “We wish you a merry Christmas”.
女:感谢他们精彩的表演! 接下来,请欣赏三二班的小合唱,“小星星”。
英语:Thanks for their splendid performance! Then, please enjoy a song “twinkle twinkle little star”。
男:多可爱的节目! 谢谢你们! 下面有请三一班的同学为大家演唱“泰迪熊” 希望大家喜欢! 来点掌声!
英语:how cute! Thank you! The following program is named<< teddy bear>>, I hope you can like it, give some applause!
男:现在, 继续我们的节目, 圣诞节已经有了两千多年的历史了。不同国家的人们用他们自己不同的方式在庆祝这个节日。
英语:Christmas has a history of more than two thousand years. Today different countries celebrate the festival in their own way.
英语:It is said that Santa Claus comes from the North Pole to bring us presents. Listen, the bells are ringing. Santa Claus is coming. Then, please enjoy a song “jingle bells”.
男:有音乐的地方就有欢乐,有音乐的地方就有新的希望. 让我们从多来咪出发,去寻找音乐带给我们的欢乐与希望. 请欣赏四一班的同学表演的电影《音乐之声》片段《多来咪》.
女:Where there is music, there is joy; where there is music, there’s hope. Let’s start with Do Re Me to explore the joys and hopes. Now let’s welcome the students of class one grade four to perform Do Re Me.
英语:”edelweiss” is the most famous songs of “ the sound of music “,now ,let’s enjoy this song ——edelweiss。
圣诞老人:it’s time to play.游戏时间到了。这个游戏是抢椅子,当音乐响起时,请参与的同学绕着椅子走,音乐停下时,立刻坐下,没抢到椅子的同学输。每个班请两个同学上来参与,参与过程中请注意安全。我们先请一二三年级的同学上来,谁愿意四五六年级
英语:The next program is named<>, I hope you can like it, give some applause!
英语:now ,let’s listen to a song “ happy new year”
英语:please enjoy the song “ ten little Indian boys”
英语:ok. Please enjoy the last song “Santa Claus is coming to town “.
男: 因为相聚,让我们分享了这快乐的时光,因为节日,让我们承载无尽的祝福.敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们,让我们真心地祝愿:Merry Christmas and happy new year!圣诞快乐,新年快乐!愿圣诞老人把我们今天许下的所有心愿一一实现.我们明年再见!!
英语:dear teachers and schoolmates, let’s finally wish you all a merry Christmas and happy new year! May Santa Claus make all our dreams come true. See you next year! Goodbye!
1.五二班 We wish you s merry Christmas
2.三二班 Twinkle twinkle little star
3.三一班 Teddy bear
5.六二班 Jingle bells
6.四一班 Do re mi
7.五一班 Edelweiss
9. 一年级 小拜年
10.二年级 Happy new year
11.四二班 Ten little Indian boys
12.六一班 Santa Claus is coming to town