


  Located in the West of Henan Province, Luoyang got its name due to itslocation in the adret of the ancient Luoshui River. It is a historic city withmore than three thousand years history. It was the capital city for ninedynasties, including the East Zhou, East Han, Caowei, West Jin, North Wei, Sui,Wuzhou, Late Liang, Late Tang, so it is named as the "Ancient Capital of theNine Dynasties", ranking top one among the seven ancient capitals in China. TheHeluo area with Luoyang as the center is the important origin of the HuaxiaCivilization. The most prosperous period of Luoyang was in t

  LuoYang City Instruction

  Luoyang is located in the western part of Henan province, stretching acrossthe middle reaches of the Yellow River. It has jurisdiction over 1 city, 8counties and 6 districts with a total area of 15,208 square kilometers including544 square kilometers of urban area. Its population totals 6.24 million of whichover 1.40 million living in urban areas. As a city famous for its splendidhistory and profound culture, Luoyang has become a shining gem in central partof China for its abundant and characteristic modern civilization.----Luoyang hasbeen known as "an ancient capital of nine dynasties ". It is among the firstcities to be declared by the State Council as the ancient capitals and famoushistorical and cultural cities. Starting from the first dynasty of China---Xia,it served as capital for 13 dynasties---Shang, Western Zhou, Eastern Zhou,Eastern Han, Cao Wei, Western Jin, Northern Wei, Sui, Tang, etc. It served as acapital for 1,529 years, and thus of the 7 great ancient capitals in China, itwas the first one to have served as the capital for the most numerous dynastiesand for the longest time. Luoyang is one of the important birthplaces of theChinese civilization. Culture in the Yellow River and the Luo River symbolizedby the Pattern of the Yellow River and the Writing of Luoyang is regarded as akey origin of the ancient Chinese civilization. It was here that Taoisminitiated, Confucianism originated. Buddhism first introduced and Li School--aConfucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties born.Many Chinese descendants found their roots here and cherished a deep love forthe homeland.----Luoyang is one of the top tourist cities in China with itsnumerous cultural relics dotted everywhere, picturesque landscape and nationalflower-Tree Peony. The city has inherited from history such cultural heritagesas ruins of the old capital, temples and stone caves, and tombs and steles. Ithas 10 national sites, 75 provincial sites, and over 571 municipal sites to beprotected as cultural relics with nearly 400,000 items of relics having beenunearthed and kept in museums. The rare ruins of the capitals from the Xia,Shang, Zhou, Han and Wei, Sui and Tang dynasties are named "Assembly of FiveCapitals ". Longmen Grottoes is one of the three great banks of Chinese stonesculptures that is a World Cultural Heritage. The White Horse Temple is thefirst officially built monastery in China after the introduction of Buddhism. Inthe Mangshan Mountain there remains the largest group of ancient tombs in Chinafeatured by royal tombs, which took form since the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. To thenorth of Luoyang is the Mother River of the Chinese nation---the Yellow Riverthat together with a tourist resorts around the Xiaolangdi Reservoir andWanshanhu tourist area in Xin'an. To the south are spots of interests such asthe Songshan Mountain which is the central one of

  the Five High Mountains of China, a national forest park at the BaiyunMountain, Longyu Bay and Huaguo Mountain, a magically shaped Cockscomb KarstCave, and tourist area around Luhun Reservoir. Known as national beauty andheavenly fragrance, peony has been planted for nearly 1,500 years in Luoyang.Around April every year, the peony comes into full bloom, decorating the urbanareas with flooding colors. Especially the Luoyang Peony Festival to be heldevery year, which has become an occasion that attracts millions of tourists bothat home and abroad. A long history, a brilliant accumulation of culture and avariety of beautiful natural scenery all combine to provide Luoyang withexceptional advantages in tourist business. With rich economic resources, strongsci-tech power and concentration of many large enterprises, Luoyang is one ofthe important quicke industrial cities in mid-west part of China. During thefirst Five-Year Plan period, 7 of the 156 key projects in China were set up hereand nowadays it has developed to a new industrial base with 6 pillar industriesin machinery and electronics, petrochemistry, metallurgy, building materials,textile, and foodstuff. Large-sized enterprise groups appear such as LuoyangPetrochemistry General Factory, the China first Tractor Group, Luoyang BallBearing (Group) Corporation, Luoyang Bronze Processing Factory, Luoyang FloatGlass Group and these enterprises are fairly strong in their competitiveness inboth international and domestic markets in their respective fields. Luoyangenjoys an apparent advantage in science and technology. It seats 14 scientificresearch institutions attached to various ministries of the State, and 18backbone institutions of the province and the city. 1,972 out of every 10,000employees are professionals, which is a proportion above the national average.Many institutions are leading the nation in testing and research, presenting newprojects and products in such high-tech fields as new materials, aviation andaerospace, electronics information, and integration of machinery andelectronics. New & High-tech Industry Development Zone has become a base fortransforming traditional industries with new technology and a window open to theoutside world.----In recent years, Luoyang has grasped the opportunity of westdevelopment and pro-active fiscal policy of the State, deepened the reform andned the development. In 20__, a GNP reached 46.57 billion Yuan and the localrevenue exceeded 2.42 billion Yuan. The rural economy has seen stabledevelopment, the reform of the state-owned enterprises and readjustment ofindustrial structure have been deepened, and rising industries such aspetrochemistry, electrolyzed aluminum, coal and electronic information have beendeveloping rapidly. Focusing on to develop the southern new developing zone, wewill speed up the infrastructure and comprehensive management with contents of "Greenness, brightness, cleanness, prettiness and smoothness ". The urbaninfrastructure and management ability has further improved, as a result of whichin 20__ it has passed appraisai of the country being a Garden and Forest Cityand has been enlisted as Top Tourist City of China. Environment for tourism hasbeen improved greatly. In 20__ the city received 106,000 tourists from abroad,12.31 million tourists at home with total tourism income of 6 billion Yuan. Thestrategy of achieving development through reform has been implemented activelyand friendly ties and exchanges with foreign countries and regions have beenstrengthened. And by the strategy of

  rejuvenating Luoyang through science and education, various socialundertakings have been making progress. Social security system has beenperfected, peoples living standard upgraded and buildind of spiritualcivilization and rule of law further promoted.----At present Luoyang is facingfavorable development opportunities and conditions. Completion of several keyprojects such as key water control project at Xiaolangdi, the chemical fiber,laid a solid foundation foundation for city’s development in the new century. Inyears to come, Luoyang will implement the policy to build up our city into astrength city in industry and tourism, further improve strategic readjustment ineconomic structure. Efforts will be made to speed up upgrading and perfection oftraditional industries and growth of rising industries, to actively developnon-state-owned economy and to constantly increase both quality and benefits ofthe economic growth. Given primary construction to high-standard planning andhigh--quality in infrastructure construction, the city will quicken urbandevelopment, further improve its environment quality and cultural connotationand speed up process of urbanization, thus developing tourism as an importantbackbone industry, Construction on culture, democracy and rule of law will beactively enhanced. It is hoped that through endeavors in the 10th Five-Year Planperiod, the goal of developing Luoyang into a modern industrial city equippedwith advanced science and education, and an international city backed by richhistorical culture.----"If you want to know the rises and falls in China, pleasejust look at the city of Luoyang. " We warmly welcome people from all over theworld to come to Luoyang to go on sightseeing and make friends, to search forroots, to build industry and business, to pursue joint development with us, andto reconstruct the splendor of the ancient capital
