1. 尊重学生的人格,尊重学生的发展,尊重学生的选择。
Respect the student’s personalities, development and choices.
2. 严在防患于未然,爱须真诚到细微。
Discipline is about nipping things in the bud while love is always subtle and sincere.
3. 成绩不说跑不了,问题不说不得了。
Achievements remain even when unnoticed; problems, however, becomes worse when not pointed out.
4. 成功永远属于用心做事的人。
Success always goes to those who do their job painstakingly.
5. 我们不会被对手打败,只会被自己打败。
We are not defeated by our adversaries, but by ourselves.
6. 所谓的成功就是把每一件具体的事都做好。
Success means to do every job well, no matter how small.
7. 让学生从你的目光中找到自信,让孩子从你的微笑中体会温馨。
Let the students find confidence in your eyes and let children feel the warmth of your smile.
8. 要尽量多地要求学生,也要尽量多地去尊重学生。
One should respect the students as much as demanding respect from them.
9. 爱是教育的翅膀。
Love is the propeller of education.
10. 孩子不犯错误才是错误。
It is an erroneous belief that children make no mistakes.
11. 坦坦荡荡做人,扎扎实实做事。
Be frank and honest with people; be persistent and practical with work.
12. 只有你想到,你才能做到。
You can hardly do what you have not even expected.
13. 以平常心,做非凡事。
Be common in mind, do uncommon wok.
14. 天下兴亡,我的责任。
Everybody is responsible for the rise of fall of the nation.
15. 用心做事,方能成就大事。
No pains, no gains.