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英语课前六年级演讲 篇18

2024-07-17 来源:小侦探旅游网

  as we know,you have to learn how to fly much more independently instead ofunder your parents’ considerate protection when you get into college,which alsomeans you will e across enormous questions that should be solved by yourself.from my point of view,those main problems can fall into three parts.

  first of all,the plicated relationship. for one thing,you have to knowhow cultural differences function in your relationship and respect them. inaddition,college students spend less time studying together owing to differentcourses’ choosing,which requires us to devote more energy to buildingrelationship. for the other thing,it is also vital to municate with yourparents often by using mobile phones or other tools.

  secondly,the temptations. the college serves us a more relaxed environmentmixed with other temptations such as the internet,alcohols and so on. what’smore,the college teachers won’t pel you to study like before,you doze off orplay cell phone in class,and you flee up the morning class because you get uptoo late. such too frequent behaviors will cripple your passion and enthusiasmtowards life,so it is essential for us to resist these temptations and insistpursuing our own goals.

  thirdly,the balance between study and work. most of us will choose to takea part time job to earn the extra money or just to exercise ourselves. but it issignificant to keep a relatively balanced relationship between them since ialways regard the study as our main task,so my principle is adjusting work tofollow the schedule of study.

  in conclusion,whatever issues we meet or miseries we suffer from,confrontthe hash reality head on,what we can do is remembering the past,living in thepresent and looking forward to the future.
