wait for 等待,等候
wa来自it on v.服侍,招待,拜访,焦急地等待
wait a minute 等会儿,等一来自等,请稍等片刻
wait 间蒸但影河药around 呆呆地等,空等
wait in the wings 蓄势以待,严阵以待
w来自ait until 等到…再
Just wait and see 等着瞧! Let's just wait and see. 我们等着瞧吧!
wait belt 【服装】腰夹里
system wait 系统等待
wait condition 等待条件,等候条件
1、So you wait, and you wait.
2、Where shall I wait?
3、"But wait,杀久" you say.
4、Tell them no敌械属夜兵立令皮t to wait被阻河言事滑吗整.
5、I learned h来自ow to wait.
6、We wait for God expectantly.
7、来自Suppose we wait until tomorrow.
8、And 光极论真英达if you miss the bus, wait.
9、But they would have to wait.
10、Whoa, wait. What's on the pet scan?