造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、If you have relatively long summaries or titles, the default Settings will likely truncate those.(如果你有相对较长的摘要或标题的话,那么默认的设定就很可能会截断它。)
2、NET does not limit or truncate pages to make decks fit within the deck size limit of individual devices.(NET不为了使卡片组适合各设备的卡片组大小限制而限制或截断页。)
3、Cannot specify tables to truncate for this template.(不能为该模板指定要截断的表。)
4、truncate - to delete the records in the existing table.(截去—删除已有表中的记录。)
5、Select the truncate table action to delete all the existing rows in the Orders table before the data load operation starts.(在数据加载操作开始之前,选择truncate表操作删除orders表中的所有已有行。)
6、truncate table statement This statement quickly deletes the contents of an entire table without firing triggers.(truncate表语句此语句无需激活触发器即可快速删除整个表的内容。)
7、The downside of this sort of operation is that db4o could accidentally truncate a value.(这种操作的缺点是,db4o可能会意外地将一个值截尾。)
8、Now issue the following command to truncate these rows.(现在,执行以下命令删除这些行。)
9、If you plan to truncate table, use the not logged option.(如果您计划截短表,则应该使用“notlogged”选项。)
10、String all incoming variables of all unexpected characters and truncate the length to a reasonable limit.(将传入的所有意料之外字符的所有变量都转换成字符串,并将其截断为合理的限制长度。)
11、Cannot specify tables to truncate for this template. There is no database associated with this team solution.(不能为该模板指定要截断的表。没有与该小组解决方案关联的数据库。)
12、In this case, you will need to periodically truncate the file, since it will grow indefinitely otherwise.(在这种情况下,您将需要定期截断文件,否则它将会无限增长下去。)
13、Each operation on a file handle-open, read, write, rewind, truncate, and close, for example-affects the state of the file.(文件句柄上的每个操作(例如open、read、write、rewind、truncate和close)影响文件的状态。)
14、truncateD - When the column value exceeds the column width, truncate the exceeding characters.(truncateD-当列值超过列的宽度时,截断超出的字符。)
15、You can achieve this with Audacity using the truncate silence effect.(这可以利用Audacity的truncatesilence效果做到。)
16、Open for writing only; place the file pointer at the beginning of the file and truncate the file to zero length.(打开只写;放置在该文件的开头文件指针并截断该文件的长度为零。)
17、different precisions will be got while using the operators in these methods in different truncate order.(当截断使用这些方法时会得到不同的精度。)
18、In this case, we need to truncate the domain to obtain a finite domain for performing numerical calculations.(在这种情况下,我们需要将这无限的区域截断成有限的区域来进行数值计算。)
19、VITERBI decoder use truncate decoding which increases the decoding efficiency with little influence on decoding accuracy.(Viterbi译码器采用截尾译码,在几乎不影响译码准确度的基础上大大提高了解码效率。)
20、Leaves wide. Inflorescences densely villous. Corolla ca. 2 cm; galea narrower, truncate at apex.(叶宽。花序密被长柔毛。花冠约2厘米;盔瓣狭窄,削去在先端。)
21、The truncate SQL statement is now supported for fast deletes.(现在支持用于快速删除的truncatesql语句。)
22、Open for reading and writing; place the file pointer at the beginning of the file and truncate the file to zero length.(打开阅读和写作,放置在文件的开头文件指针并截断该文件的长度为零。)
23、The column options WRAPPED and truncateD give you the option to wrap or truncate values if they exceed the specified length.(列选项WRAPPED和truncateD可以在列值超过指定的长度时让您选择是换行还是截断列值。)
24、Basal leaf blade oblong or elliptic, truncate or cuneate at base.(基生叶长圆形或椭圆形,截形或楔形在基部。)
25、These conflicting operations include: compress, repack, shrink, alter, online index build, truncate, and drop.(这些冲突操作包括:压缩、重新打包、收缩、更改、在线索引构建、截断、以及删除。)
26、The truncate method sets the size of the shared memory in bytes.(truncate方法以字节为单位设置共享内存的大小。)
27、You will need to truncate or delete the log file occasionally to prevent it from growing too large.(有时需要截断或删除日志文件,以防止其变得过大。)
28、We are going to truncate the Trace message in this situation.(我们将截断在这种情况下的跟踪信息。)
29、Membership of a group that has sufficient authority to issue truncate TABLE statements and have CREATE TABLE statement privileges.(一组成员,拥有足够的授权来发出truncatetable语句且拥有CREATEtable语句权限。)
30、The point is that sometimes SQL Server can truncate the log fast enough, and other times it can't.(这中情况说明,SQLSERVER在有些时候能够足够快的截断日志,而有时候却不能。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。