造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、These carnivores live only on four small islands in the archipelago where, scientists note, the prey base is too small to support mammalian carnivore.(科学家指出,这些食肉动物只生活在群岛中的四个小岛上,那里的猎物基数太小,哺乳类食肉动物无法生存。)
2、You describe yourself as a born-again carnivore.(你把自己描述成重生的食肉动物。)
3、It always seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.(似乎对我来说,人生下来并不是为了成为一个食肉动物。)
4、The manticore is the most fearsome of Pandoran predators, and by the look, it might be the toughest carnivore in the known universe.(蝎尾兽是潘多拉星球上最可怕的食肉动物,从外表上看,它可能是已知宇宙中最强悍的食肉动物。)
5、His wildlife research tracks the population dynamics of the Malay civet, a small rainforest carnivore in Indonesia.(他的野外研究项目是追踪马来西亚麝猫(印度尼西亚的一种小型雨林麝猫)的种群动态。)
6、I have long been a vociferous carnivore, and yet I have never witnessed the end of an animal I am going to eat.(我一直是一个宣传食肉的人,但我从来没有亲眼目睹过一个将要被我吃的动物的结局。)
7、With our present data, we don't know what precisely the interactions were between a primate and a big carnivore.(根据我们现有的数据,我们无法确切了解灵长目动物与大型食肉动物之间的相互作用是什么。)
8、And on your left, you have Tyrannosaurus Rex, a carnivore from the Jurassic period.(在您的左边,您看到的是暴龙,一种来自侏罗纪的肉食动物。)
9、Bob, could you help the carnivore cut his meat.(鲍伯,你帮这个小食肉动物切一下好吗。)
10、The system was originally called carnivore but bad publicity caused it to be renamed to the more innocent-sounding DCS1000.(该系统最初被称为食肉动物,但由于糟糕的公众形象,导致它被重新命名为更加无辜冠冕堂皇DCS1000。)
11、The polar bear is the world's largest land carnivore, an animal native to the Arctic.(北极熊是世界最大的陆地食肉动物,是北极的原生动物。)
12、It's a gharial, perhaps the largest terrestrial carnivore ever to walk the earth, larger than T-Rex.(这是一条长吻鄂,可能是地球上有史以来最大的陆地食肉动物,比霸王龙还要大。)
13、Chris has talked about pandas being an evolutionary cul-de-sac, and it's certainly unusual for a carnivore to take up herbivory.(克里斯曾经说熊猫是进化的尽头,而对于食肉动物来说,摄取食草动物是很不寻常的。)
14、The polar bear is the largest terrestrial carnivore, being more than twice as big as the Siberian Tiger.(北极熊是陆地上最大的肉食性动物,比西伯利亚虎都要大两倍多!)
15、You think about a horse galloping along - he is a vegan, of course, not a carnivore.(你可以想像一匹奔腾的骏马——牠当然吃纯素,不是肉食者。)
16、Tyrannosaurus Rex was a large carnivore; insectivorous plants are considered carnivores.(暴龙是一种大型的食肉动物;食虫植物被看作食肉动物。)
17、So, if you do choose to lead a carnivore life, try to go all natural on the meat.(因此,如果你选择过吃荤的生活,尝试着吃些天然的产品。)
18、Thee ancestors of the giant panda is a carnivore, but now I prefer vegetarian, mainly to eat arrow bamboos for a living.(大熊猫的祖先是食肉动物,现在却偏爱吃素,主要以吃箭竹为生。)
19、This stealthy animal is really a carnivore but is tempted into the trees by irresistible ripe fruit.(这种鬼鬼祟祟的动物其实是肉食者,不过还是被香醇的果实引诱到树上来了。)
20、It does however, have one for carnivore.(不过,它却收了carnivore(食肉动物)。)
21、creatures now respect diet type: herbivore, carnivore, and omnivore; they will get sick if feed the wrong food type.(生物现在尊重饮食类型:草食动物,食肉动物和杂食动物;他们将如果,喂错食物类型生病。)
22、The Felis concolor is the largest carnivore in the Olympics.(美洲狮是奥运会上最大的食肉动物。)
23、Hey, guys, I found one that... Pandas have the largest molar teeth of any carnivore.(伙计们,我找到了一本…熊猫的臼齿是所有食肉动物中最大的。)
24、Mellet recognized no evidence of digestion in his carnivore assemblages.(梅尔莱在他的食肉动物群落中没有发现消化的迹象。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。