




一 1.Cylinder block 气缸体
  2.Cylinder liner 气缸套
  3.Cylinder head 气缸盖
  4.Cylinder head gasket 气缸盖垫
  5.Cylinder haad fasteners 气缸盖螺栓
  6.Cylinder head cover gasket 气缸盖罩衬垫
  7.Cylinder head cover 气缸盖罩
  8.Pistons 活塞
  9.Piston pin 活塞销
  10.Piston ring set 活塞环组
  11.Crankshaft 曲轴
  12.Crankshaft bearing 曲轴轴瓦
  13.Camshaft 凸轮轴
  14.Camshaft sprocket 凸轮轴齿形皮带轮
  15.Camshaft bearings 凸轮轴轴承
  16.Tappet 挺杆
  17.Push rod 推杆
  18.Rocker arm shaft 摇臂轴
  19.Hydraulic bucket tappet 液压挺杆
  20.Flywheel 飞轮
  21.Core plug 堵塞
  22.Seal 密封环(活塞)
  23.Engline carrier 发动机架
  24.Bonded rubber mounting 橡胶支座
  25.Crandcase breather 曲轴箱通风管
  26.Heate pipe for crankcase breather housing曲轴箱进气加热管
  27.Wiring barress for heater pipe 加热管线束
  28.Intermediate plate 中间板
  29.Power unit protection 动力总成护板
  30.Noise damping pan 隔音板
  A/C Air Conditioning 空调
  A/T Automatic Transaxle (Transmission) 自动变速器
  ABS Anti-lock Brake System 防抱死刹车系统
  1、电子牵引系统(ETS) ,。

二 1.Cover 发动机盖罩
  2.Dreve plate for converter变扭器驱动盘
  3.Engine speed sender wheel发动机转速传感器齿轮
  4.Driveng shaft bearing驱动轴轴承
  5.Sprocket for camshaft凸轮轴齿形皮带轮
  6.Ribbed belt多楔皮带
  7.Belt tension damper皮带张紧减震器
  8.Crankshaft vibration damper曲轴减震器
  9.V-belt pulleyV型皮带轮
  10.Ldler roller惰轮
  11.Ribbged belt cover多楔皮带罩
  12.Balance shaft 平衡轴
  13.Chain for balance shaft平衡轴链
  14.Chain tensioner链张紧器
  16.Mub for sender wheel凸轮轴位置传感器轮
  17.Toothed belt sprocket injection pump喷油泵齿形皮带轮
  18.Camshaft oil seal foothed elt side凸轮轴油封,齿形皮带端
  19 Camshaft seal凸轮轴油封
  20.Toothd belt cover inj.pump喷油泵齿形皮带罩
  21.Toothd belt relay roller齿形皮带导向轮
  22.Intermediate shaft中间轴
  23.Intermediate shaft seal中间轴油封
  24.Toothed belt齿形皮带
  26.Toothd belt tensioner齿形皮带张紧器
  27.Toothed belt tor 2nd camshaft第二曲轴正时皮带
  28.Timing chain housing cover正时链条
  29.Chain sprocket 链轮
  30.Timing chain 正时链条
  SUV Sports Utility Vehicle运动型多功能车
  MPV Multi-Purpose Vehicle,也叫多功能汽车,俗称“子弹头”
  GT Grand Touring Cars高级旅行车

三 1 Valve spring气门杆油封
  2. Valve stem seal气门弹簧
  3.Pressure limiting valve限压阀
  4.Swirl chamber涡流燃烧室
  5.Intake valve guide进气门导管
  6.Exhaust valve guide排气门导管
  7.Camshaft adjuster凸轮轴调节器
  8.Control housing控制壳体
  9.Toothed belt cover 齿形皮带罩
  10.Oil pressure switch 机油压力开关
  11.Oil temperature sender 机油温度传感器
  12.Oil pressure warning control unit机油压力报警控制单元
  13.Oil level sensor 机油标高开装置
  14..Oil filler cap 机油加油口盖
  15.Oil filler neck 机油加*
  16.Dipstick 机油标尺
  17.Oil pump 机油泵
  18.Mounting bracket 安装支架
  19.Oil pump drive 机油泵驱动链条
  20.Pressure regulating valve 压力调节阀
  21.Oil filter 机油滤清器
  22.Oil cooler 机油冷却器
  23.Sump upper part 油底壳上部件
  24.Sump 油底壳
  25.Oil sump gasket 油底壳密封垫
  26.Oil reservoir 机油贮藏
  27.Oil cooler pipe 机油冷却*
  28.Fanbelt 风扇皮带
  29.Fan wheel 风扇叶轮
  30.Electric fan 电动风扇  
  AB air bag安全气囊
  ABRS Air Bag Restraint System 安全气囊
  AWD all-wheel drive全轮驱动
  AWS all-wheel steering全轮转向
  2WD Two-Wheel Drive 两轮驱动
  4WD Four-Wheel Drive 四轮驱动
  4WS Four-Wheel Steering 四轮转向
  ATS anti-thief system防盗系统
  GPS global positioning system 全球卫星定位系统
  MT manual transmission手动变速器
  AT automatic transmission 自动变速器
  A/M automatic/manual自动/手动
  AMT automatic machincal transmission机械式自动变速器 四:
  1.Fan series resistor风扇串联电阻
  2.ELectric fan relay风扇继电器
  3.Coolant level sender冷却液液面高度传感器
  4.Fan thermoswitch风扇热敏开关
  5.Cooling fan housing冷却风扇罩
  6.Positioning unit定位装置
  7.Locking ring锁圈
  8.Air ct导风装置
  9.Expansion tank膨胀罐
  10.Aux coolant pump辅助冷却液泵继电器
  11.Aux coolant pump control unit辅助冷却液泵继电器
  12.Viscous fan coupling粘性风扇耦合器
  13.Coolant pump水泵
  14.Coolant pump seals水泵密封垫
  15.Coolant pump pulley水泵皮带轮
  16.Thermostat housing节温器壳体
  17.Bearing housing with impeller带水泵叶轮的水泵壳体
  19.Coolant hose flange冷却液软软管法兰
  20.Coolant pipe冷却液管
  21.Water hose冷却液软管
  22.Hose clip冷却液软这
  24.Cap 膨胀罐盖
  25.Fan run-on thermoswitch风扇起动热敏开关
  26.Coolant temperature sender冷却液温度传感器
  27.Fan run-on relay风扇起动继电器
  28.Hydraulic motor液压马达
  30.Filler neck燃油箱
  ESP electronic stability program电子稳定程序
  ETS exhaust-gas-turbo-supercharger 废气涡轮增压器
  EFI electronic fuel injection 电子控制燃油喷射



你好,我也是学汽车的!我是这么认为的,现在在路边自己开修理店赚不了多少钱,原因是现在的轿车都去专卖店了,而且他们对路边的修理店也不放心!月薪就是工资,其实我觉得刚学出来后不要太去算计工资,而是要先多学东西,以后慢慢发展!我现在学的是汽车检测与维修这个专业,不过我以后是要做 汽车美容和装饰 的,因为现在的轿车是7分保养,3分维修!我先学修理是为了能够深入了解汽车!你这个专业我也不是很了解,不管怎么说,都要对汽车深入了解,以前没有基础没事!慢慢来,努力!我个人觉得汽车美容和装饰以后的前景会很大,因为现在的汽车保有量越来越多!不过现在市场上汽车美容和装饰技术还不算成熟, http://www.sf516.com自己一定要学精在去干!你加油,不要急,相信你会成功的! Hello, I am also learning the car! I think so, and now open their own repair shop in the street can not make much money, because now the cars have to store it, and their repair shop on the roadside not worry! Monthly wage is, in fact, came out I think just learning to not be too calculating wages, but must first learn something, develop slowly after! Right now I'm a professional vehicle inspection and maintenance of this, but I do after a car beauty and decoration, because the car is now 7 points maintenance, maintenance of 3! I repair is the first study to gain insight into car! You are very professional I do not know, after all, should the car in-depth understanding of the basis of nothing not previously! Take your time, effort! I personally think car beauty and decoration will be great prospects for the future, because now more and more car ownership! But now the market cars beauty and decoration technology is not mature, I must be fine in the shop and go to school! You Come, Do not worry, I believe you will succeed!
