




There be表示 “存在有”,即当我们告诉某人某事存在(或不存在)常用这种结构.其中there是引导词,本身无词义;be为谓语动词,后面跟的是名词,也就是主语,也就是说there be结构的运用也就是倒桩的具体运用.其真正的主语在there be 之后.There are a few simple safe measures to follow while training
一、 注意事项:
1 there be 结构中的be 是可以运用各种时态的.
 There is going to be a meeting tonight.今晚有个会议.
There was a knock at the door.有人敲门.
2 动词be单复数形式要跟there be之后的真正的主语一致.并且要根据就近一致原则来变换be 的单复数形式.
如:There is a book on the desk.课桌上有一本书.
How many people are there in the city?这个城市里有多少人口.
3 在there be引起的句子结构中,用来修饰主语的不定式主动形式和被动形式均可.
 There is no time to lose (= to be lost).时间紧迫.
There is nothing to see (=to be seen).看不见有什么.
There is nothing to do.(=to be done) 无事可做.
二、 结构变形:
在there be 结构中还可把be 改变从而使得there be结构有了一些改变具体总结如下:
1 There used/seem/ happen/appear to be 如:
There might be snow at night.晚上可能有雪.
There appeared to be nobody willing to help.看来没人愿意帮忙.
There used to be a building here.过去这儿有一座楼房.
There happened to be a man walking by.碰巧有个人在此经过.
There doesn't seem to be much hope.好象没有太大的希望.
2 在there be的 be 前还可以加上各种情态词,如:
There must be something wrong.一定有问题.
There ought not to be so many people.不应该有这么多的人.
3 在there be句型中的be还可以换成其他的动词与there连用,这些词都是表示状态的如:live stand exist remain等或用来描写某事的发生或某人的到达如come,appear,enter,follow,occur等.
There lived a rich man.这以前住着一个富翁.
三、 特殊的表达方式:
1There is no sense in doing 做某事是没有用的,没有意义的
There is no sense in making him angry.跟他生气是没有用的.
4 There is no use /good doing 做某事是没有用的,没有必要的
There is no use trying to explain it.解释是没有必要的.
There is no good/use going there.
5 There is no need to do 没有必要做某事
There is no need to worry.
There is no need to give him so much money.
6 There is thought/said/reported to be 人们认为有/据说有/据报道有
There is thought to be an army between in these two countries.
There is reported to be a better way to cure cancer.
7 There is no doing(口语)不可能…….
There is no telling when he will be back.无法知道他什么时候回来.
There is no knowing what he is doing.无法知道他在做什么.
