Universal Headset Manual
1. Cell phone turned on, will be No. 1,2,3 key block to 0.
2. Adjustment button on the 2nd. Until the phone shows "headphones have been inserted" or () when the stop sign, and then set up the phone MP3 player, and two ear plugs have finished debugging the sound, if voiceless, regulate on the 3rd key, until the date there have been voices earplugs. (Part 3 key regulator models can enhance the sound quality)
3. Phone call status, such as the 10086, press and hold the headset microphone shell switch, adjust until the hang up button on the 1st.
Universal headphones instructions
1 cellphone status, 1, 2, 3-0 key.
2. Adjust 2 key. Until the phone displays "headset insert" (or), then stop signs will set to MP3, two earplugs there, if no voice debugging, adjust 3 key until a voice. Plugs (part models adjust 3 key, can make the quality enhancement)
3 the phone 10086, such as the state press and hold the headset microphones, adjust 1 shell switch button to hang up.
一.Cell phone turned on, will be No. 1,2,3 key block to 0.
二.Conditioning on the 2nd button. Until the phone shows "headphones have been inserted" or () when the stop sign, and then set up the phone MP3 player, and two ear plugs have finished debugging the sound, if voiceless, regulate on the 3rd key, until the date there have been voices earplugs. (Part 3 key regulator models can enhance the sound quality)
三.Cell phone call status, such as the 10086, press and hold the headset microphone shell switch, adjust until the hang up button on the 1st.