






几年前美国的FDA(美国食品药物管理局)就对多特瑞的总裁提出了警告并对公司罚款,精油并不是药品,也不在药品注册的名单框架内。多特瑞违反了《联邦法规》第21章第201.128条。 因为多特瑞的营销顾问(中国多叫做“老师”吧)把一些精油,如:“美乐家”,“牛至”,“守卫”,“丁香”,“桉树”,“乳香”,“天竺葵”,“薰衣草”,“柠檬草”,“没药”,“薄荷”,“迷迭香”,“冬青”,“快乐鼠尾草”和“香根草”等等,宣传说可以针对病毒感染(包括埃博拉病毒)、细菌感染、癌症、脑损伤、自闭症、子宫内膜异位症、格雷夫斯病、阿尔茨海默病、肿瘤减少、ADD/ADHD和其他疾病。
美国食品药物管理局之所以发出警告信,就是需要为药品负责,不希望不符合药品规则的产品,被市场营销误导,把它当作药品,那些顾问(中国多叫做“老师”)是工作很努力的,但是他们的利益与工作成果挂钩很紧密,有时候他们难免就会发力过猛去宣传(最后小声说一句“这不是药品” ,但是之前说的一万句的意思可能都被理解为“是比药品可能还好且没有副作用”),总之,使用者感觉像是治病的神器了。
dōTERRA International, LLC
Attn: David Stirling
3 South 1300 West
Pleasant Grove, Utah 84062
Dear Mr. Stirling:
This is to advise you that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reviewed websites and social media accounts (e.g. www.anytimeessentials.com, *, Twitter, Pinterest, *) used to promote your dōTERRA Essential Oil procts in August 2014. Based on our review, FDA has determined that several of your dōTERRA Essential Oil procts including, but not limited to, “Melaleuca,” “Oregano,” “On Guard,” “Clove,” “Eucalyptus,” “Frankincense,” “Geranium,” “Lavender,” “Lemongrass,” “Myrrh,” “Peppermint,” “Rosemary,” “Wintergreen,” “Clary Sage,” and “Vetiver” are promoted for conditions that cause them to be drugs under section 201(g)(1)(B) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the Act) [21 U.S.C. § 321(g)(1)(B)]. The therapeutic claims establish that these procts are drugs because they are intended for use in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease. The intended use of a proct may be determined by, among other things, its labeling, advertising, and the circumstances surrounding its distribution, 21 C.F.R. § 201.128. As described below, the marketing of your dōTERRA Essential Oil procts with drug claims and without FDA approved-applications is in violation the Act.
Your procts are marketed through the website http://www.anytimeessentials.com/ and through paid "consultants," http://www.anytimeessentials.com/work-home/, otherwise referred to as "wellness advocates," http://www.mydoterra.com/. Your consultants promote your above mentioned dōTERRA Essential Oil procts for conditions including, but not limited to, viral infections (including ebola), bacterial infections, cancer, brain injury, autism, endometriosis, Grave’s Disease, Alzheimer’s Disease, tumor rection, ADD/ADHD, and other conditions that are not amenable to self-diagnosis and treatment by indivials who are not medical practitioners. Moreover, your consultants redirect consumers to your website, www.doterra.com, to register as a customer or member (i.e., consultant), and to purchase your dōTERRA Essential Oil procts.
